First Aid On Fits Ayurveda first Aid-Ayurvedamax

First Aid On Fit

Fits :

The muscles get tight and tight ,and then they start to jerk. The patient may be bite tongue or stop breathing .the mouth or lips may turns blue , due to excessive redness or foam through the mouth.
If the patient stops breathing ,that is not good signs  in such cases rush to the doctor immediately.

Some First Aid Treatments :

1. Remove everything near the patient and soften something  under his head.
2. If patient stops breathing , try to save him and clear his respiratory way.
3. Stay calm and help the patient until he is cautious .
4. Open the door-windows and let the patient get free air.
5. Squeeze the saliva from patient's  mouth.
6. Most of the fits will come to a halt and then come back or unconscious.

Things That Not To Do:

1. Do not gather around the patient .
2. Do not give water to patient. Water can get into the air way and cause patient to stumble.
3. Onion,slippers not to be rubbed , it is completely misunderstanding .
4.Do not force the shaking feets and hands of patient .

Fits will stop for a while . A person with epilepsy does not need to taken to a doctor every time he gets fits. But if fits do not stop within 5 minutes you should contact your doctor.

Some healthy natural products
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